Example Usage

General optimization

The following code presents a simple use of PyCUTEst to minimize Rosenbrock’s function in 2D (problem ROSENBR) using Newton’s method.

PyCUTEst example: minimize 2D Rosenbrock function using Newton's method.

Jaroslav Fowkes and Lindon Roberts, 2022.

import numpy as np
import pycutest

p = pycutest.import_problem('ROSENBR')

print("Rosenbrock function in %gD" % p.n)

iters = 0

x = p.x0
f, g = p.obj(x, gradient=True)  # objective and gradient
H = p.hess(x)  # Hessian

while iters < 100 and np.linalg.norm(g) > 1e-10:
    print("Iteration %g: objective value is %g with norm of gradient %g at x = %s" % (iters, f, np.linalg.norm(g), str(x)))
    s = np.linalg.solve(H, -g)  # Newton step
    x = x + s  # used fixed step length
    f, g = p.obj(x, gradient=True)
    H = p.hess(x)
    iters += 1

print("Found minimum x = %s after %g iterations" % (str(x), iters))

For this problem, Newton’s method finds the unique local and global minimum f(1,1)=0 quickly:

Rosenbrock function in 2D
Iteration 0: objective value is 24.2 with norm of gradient 232.868 at x = [-1.2  1. ]
Iteration 1: objective value is 4.73188 with norm of gradient 4.63943 at x = [-1.1752809   1.38067416]
Iteration 2: objective value is 1411.85 with norm of gradient 1370.79 at x = [ 0.76311487 -3.17503385]
Iteration 3: objective value is 0.0559655 with norm of gradient 0.47311 at x = [0.76342968 0.58282478]
Iteration 4: objective value is 0.313189 with norm of gradient 25.0274 at x = [0.99999531 0.94402732]
Iteration 5: objective value is 1.85274e-11 with norm of gradient 8.60863e-06 at x = [0.9999957  0.99999139]
Iteration 6: objective value is 3.43265e-20 with norm of gradient 8.28571e-09 at x = [1. 1.]
Found minimum x = [1. 1.] after 7 iterations

Nonlinear least-squares

In CUTEst nonlinear least-squares problems are encoded as nonlinear equations which have no objective function defined (as denoted by ‘none’ in their classification). Instead, their residual(s) r(x) and Jacobian J(x) are accessed using CUTEstProblem.cons(). Typically you will want to use them as nonlinear least-squares problems, in which case you can construct a standard objective function and gradient as:

f(x) = 0.5*||r(x)||^2
g(x) = J(x)^T r(x)

The following code presents a simple use of PyCUTEst to minimize problem ARGLALE using the Gauss-Newton algorithm.

PyCUTEst example: minimize 10D ALRGLALE problem using the Gauss-Newton algorithm.

Jaroslav Fowkes and Lindon Roberts, 2022.

import numpy as np
import pycutest

# Nonlinear least-squares problem in 10 dimensions with 20 residuals
p = pycutest.import_problem('ARGLALE', sifParams={'N':10, 'M':20})

print("ARGLALE problem in %gD with %g residuals" % (p.n, p.m))

iters = 0

x = p.x0
r, J = p.cons(x, gradient=True)  # residual and Jacobian
f = 0.5 * np.dot(r, r)  # objective
g = J.T.dot(r)  # gradient
H = J.T.dot(J)  # Gauss-Newton Hessian approximation

while iters < 100 and np.linalg.norm(g) > 1e-10:
    print("Iteration %g: objective value is %g with norm of gradient %g at x = %s" % (iters, f, np.linalg.norm(g), str(x)))
    s = np.linalg.solve(H, -g)  # Gauss-Newton step
    x = x + s  # used fixed step length
    r, J = p.cons(x, gradient=True)
    f = 0.5 * np.dot(r, r)
    g = J.T.dot(r)
    H = J.T.dot(J)
    iters += 1

print("Found minimum x = %s after %g iterations" % (str(x), iters))

For this problem, the Gauss-Newton algorithm finds the unique local and global minimum f(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1)=5 in one step:

ARGLALE problem in 10D with 20 residuals
Iteration 0: objective value is 25 with norm of gradient 6.32456 at x = [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
Found minimum x = [-1. -1. -1. -1. -1. -1. -1. -1. -1. -1.] after 1 iterations